Thursday, October 7, 2010

To do, or not to do...

Our son is now almost 11 months...after he was born, I had all these grand ideas about being more 'green', eco friendly...especially with products that involve him.
First, I wanted to eat more organic foods myself (since I was/am nursing), I do a little, but the prices of organic food just kill me! I know, I know, it is such a small price to pay to not have pesticides in your body, but my goodness! Organic chicken will TOTALLY break the bank!
Then I wanted to cloth diaper...I researched the heck out of it, found the brand I wanted to try (bumgenius) and then trekked 40 minutes 1 way several times to buy diapers from Cotton I don't have a "full time stash", but enough to probably get me through a day. And I've used them a few times...but I just can't get into it! I think it's because I've been using sposies for so long, and because I'm unorganized...maybe if I was organized and everything was neat and handy I would get into also might have something to do with how poofy my little mans bottom and frontal area looks like with a cloth diaper on...and the fact that I am a little concerned that some of my friends might tease me...not to mention, that when I did use CD's all day one day, the hubs kind of scoffed at me and I felt kinda dumb...but, these excuses may just be my procrastination in disguise...hmmmm.....
Now I'm on the 'making baby food' kick...this one just may stick!! I made sweet potatoes and acorn squash. And, so far Michael has tried both and likes them both! Although, I have peas, carrots and green beans to make and I haven't done it yet...AND I would L-O-V-E to have a Beaba Babycook to use (I'm the sucker who gets sucked into every new/cool product out there, even though my blender worked just fine!!).
This is where my procrastination gets the best of me...actually, I think procrastination has probably gotten the best of me in everything I've wanted to do so far...even the eating organic deal--because that means you have to cook, which I haven't been the biggest fan of doing ever since it became something I had to do, not just something I wanted to do...
To do, or not to do seems to be the question of my life....So, now I just need to find a way out of my procrastination ways...Any suggestions?!?

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